Learning to Cliff Dive!
Many years ago, I overheard a wife explaining to her friend how dysfunctional and unhappy her husband’s work team was.
I was really trying not to ease drop, but they were very loud. What she described was exactly the type of work corporate work I love to do.
I was torn. I knew I could help, but it seemed unprofessional to butt in. Plus, who did I think I was? Why would they ever listen to me?
But the more I thought about it, the more I understood that what she was describing was a group of people in pain. I knew I could help them.
When I returned home, I researched the company and figured out the division the wife was talking about.
Then I made a BIG ASS MOVE: I called the vice-president of the division and explained who I was and my expertise. I asked him if he could use my help.
During our conversation, I was pin-balling on the inside. My thoughts raced from ”Holy crap! I am insane!” to “Look at you go, girl.” However, on the outside, I remained calm, confident and compassionate.
Both shocked and intrigued by my ballsy move, the VP invited me to meet with him.
And guess what? I worked with them and other divisions within the company for the next three years. We busted through some big pain in that time.
You might be thinking, “So what? You’re so confident and you’re an expert.”
But the secret is, that day I wasn’t.
I HAD worked with hundreds of business teams and leaders, but never on my own and never in a corporate setting. Prior to that day, I was an outdoor-adventure, team-building facilitator for a summer camp. I was “CAMP GIRL,” not Executive Coach Christy Shell.
But, that ONE call, changed everything. It legitimately started my entire corporate coaching and consulting practice.
That ONE call. That ONE moment of INSANE COURAGE. That BIG ASS MOVE!!!
Is there a BIG ASS MOVE you need to make in your life? What one thing can you do that might change everything?
I am sharing this today because, right now, three of my clients are standing at the edge of the cliff. They each want to dive into their desired new lives. All three need to make a BIG ASS MOVE! One client needs to quit an abusive job; another client needs to move to her favorite city; the third client needs to start auditioning and take acting classes.
All three have done their work. They’ve dug deep into their dreams and passions, and they are clear about what they want.
However, they are scared stiff to leap; they won’t jump.
They keep looking over the edge at the drop and focusing on the scary fall rather than shifting their focuses to the exhilaration of flying thorough air and meeting the refreshing water.
They believe they should NOT be scared. They’ve convinced themselves that they should be confident cliff divers.
But the truth is, no one is confident when they’re learning cliff diving!
To conquer the fear, you have to jump. On the other side of the fear is what you want.
Facing challenges gives you confidence, not the other way around.
It is like thinking you need to be strong to workout. No, you get strong from working out.
So stop thinking so much. Take a deep breath. Take a step, or better yet, run to the edge.
And jump! DO IT SCARED!!!
That’s the true definition of courage: Being scared and doing it anyway.
That is why it is a BIG ASS MOVE! You’ve made up your mind to go for your dream. So, get your ass off the cliff!!
Have you recently made A BIG ASS MOVE that changed your life, (or is there one you need to make)?
Share your comments below to inspire other wanna-be cliff divers.
I believe all of us can become master cliff divers. Sometimes, all it takes is a little support and encouragement. If your toes are hanging over the edge of the cliff of your BIG ASS MOVE, I can help you make the leap. Click here to contact me for a free consultation call.